There are various modes of payment to pay your fees. Tuition and other fees for your specific course can be for found on the Course page. Kindly note these important policies:

    • Payment terms are dependent on your student contract and due dates are prior to the start of classes
    • All payments are required to be made in SGD Currency
    • All fees are required to be settled in full by due date to avoid delays in enrolment
  • Class schedules will not be given until all financial obligations are completed

Click here for Education Loan options.

Your payment options are as follows:

    1. Credit Card/Paynow via E-Invoice issued by our vendor FLYWIRE (
    2. Bank Transfer
    3. Cheque (only if required for student loan)

All banking charges, if any, are to be borne by the sender. Students are required to indicate their registered student name and course details in the remittance document for verification.

Late payments will be subjected to a penalty of S$50 per weekly delay or part thereof.